Dunno whether gonna put that as my artwork title or not. This is for my Painting subject assignment. I gonna draw a 3x4 feet soft pastel artwork on canvas. Below is the sample sketch for the final painting. Need to think some way on how to transfer the image onto the huge canvas...and try not to mess up with the proportion and balance.
Back home...I manage to torture 2 of my lil sis to do some pose for me as reference. Next time bondage maybe...heheheh...
Hopefully I gonna get good grades for this subject...the only subject I bet for A this semester.
wah x sabar nk tgk the outcome nnt ^^ sure chun gile
btw, rambut adik hang yg bib tu buat aku teringat sadako siot >.< panjang giler O.O
hehehhe...maser tue mesti tgn dah tak raser tgn~!! XD
hohh..mmg...dah penah jadik sadako pon akoo paksa...~!!
perutku... buncet..
cover cover.
takleyh nak cover..~!! XD malas nak edit sampai nampak ramping...
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