Thursday, March 15, 2007

Work Load!!

Its gonna be hectic this weekend for sure. Work load, assignment, 1000 word of creative-wtf-fcm dissertation, storyboard, sketches, and anything that need to put every last drop of sweat and tears to complete it. I believe this just a minor trial upon having the bigger one in future. Just need to have faith in my capability and what I'm wanna achieve.

Good news, my proposal had being approve and it seem the lecturer like it(i think). Bad thing is i don't know if i can complete the whole application(games) just like what i wrote in the proposal. I can ask for help if want to but, i guess for now i just need to depend for my self and not depending to other so much. I guess my ego and jealousy over other successful/talented student just make me feel like a failure. I just want prove that i'm wrong in this kind of situation.

I guess theres a positive sight why the FCM change their subject syllabus and make more individual assignment then group work.
1) The student can be mark and value in the range of their capability without need to consider other factors that usually occur in group assignment.
2) There will be less argument which person do more or less work.
3) Student learn to be independent and not being spoon feed all the time.
4) Concentrate more and manage the time well.

I shut up for now...need to eat lunch and start doing flow chart and storyboard for assignment. Hope by tomorrow i can finish it up and continue with my other assignment that need to be submit next week.

Task of the week
Thursday/Friday: Media Authoring 2
Saturday/Sunday: Design Process 3 for Digital Media
Monday: Creative Studies

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