Saturday, November 8, 2008

Science vs Religion

Tengah browsing video kat Youtube and stumble 2 videos that becoming hot debate between Muslim and penganut agama lain plus some people who doesn't believe with religion. The first video is a video about the greatness of Azan. Video memberitahu bahawa Azan tak pernah berhenti dilaungkan di seluruh dunia. Because of the different time zone. Meaning Azan dilaungkan silih berganti di setiap negeri, negara, benua mengikut waktu solat kawasan tersebut. Kitaran ini berlaku sepanjang tempoh 24 jam non-stop. Then come this one viewer that kept on provoking people with his "sensitive" question. And I guess he was an Atheists because he keep saying that he didn't believe in any religion or the existent of God. Ok, fine that his problem. But the real deal is this fellas insulting Azan by saying its cause sound pollution on earth, Azan is a screaming, disturbing people sleep etc etc. Sure I'm really pissed off and other viewer also enrage by this person comment. Plus he act like he so high and intelligent to an extend of condemning other religion in the world. This person heart already blackened and rotten by his own believe and its beyond repair. By pushing people patient with question like:

1) Proof that God is real and not an Illusion.
2) Al-Quran is the word from God and not human.
3) Proof that Al-Quran is not copy from other holy books.
4) Why Azan need to be repeat 5 times a day? Why can't Muslim remember the praying time and do it without need to Azan. (He even describe Muslim as a people that need to be reminded countless time to do something)
5) Proof that we came from Adam and Hawa(Eve) and not from Charles Darwin theory of ape>human evolution.

Yet again even with many people already reply his question with an accurate answer, he still not satisfied plus asking more ridiculous question. My assumption is this person want people to say he was right and Islam and other religion are wrong. No, the one that wrong from the beginning is him. Not believing the existent of God is wrong. It same like you denied your own existent in this world. Ok he can say its mother nature and its a natural cycle. But then who create the mother nature and govern the cycle of life? Its God Almighty.

You said Muslim is like a beggar because we beg to God 5 times a day during our pray. This shows how small your capability to think. Solat is not about begging but a responsibilities to each Muslim to show respect to their creator and asking for forgiveness for the sins they had committed.

You say why not Muslim people devoted our time 24/7 to God and why must only 5 times a day. In Islam, all the thing that doesn't go against our religion are Ibadah. From doing work at the office till we go to sleep, its all ibadah. Its shown that our devotion toward Allah not only through pray but also through our everyday act.

I just don't know what this kind of person believe in. If a scientific answer he seek then I don't have the answer because science is limited only toward logic and reality, not beyond that.


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